Background – Clophill roundabout consultation
Consultation closed: Monday, 11 July 2022
Consultation opened: Monday, 16 May 2022
Clophill roundabout is notorious for long queues of traffic, particularly at peak times.
It’s caused by high volumes of north-south (A6) traffic and east-west (A507) traffic passing through the roundabout. The problems are heightened by the layouts of the roads.
In the morning peak, there is slow-moving traffic on the A6 northern arm. This can extend back past the junction with The Green and Clophill Road up the hill to the section of the dual carriageway.
In the evening peak, there is slow-moving traffic on the A6 southern arm. This can extend back past the priority T-junction with Silsoe High Street.
It’s also difficult for people to cross these two busy roads.
Traffic use

Map showing Clophill roundabout typical morning traffic peak in 2021

Map showing Clophill roundabout typical evening traffic peak in 2021
The red lines show the typical traffic queues.