Planning conditions

Check if planning conditions have been discharged

You can check yourself whether planning conditions have been discharged by using our online planning register.

Details of what has been submitted in relation to conditions and what has been approved can be found using our planning application database in a number of ways.

From 10 January 2020, the details submitted to discharge conditions changed to new individual applications and given the suffix (DOC). You will be able to find out about these discharge of condition applications by searching the planning application database using the site address or using the interactive maps on My Central Bedfordshire. This will bring up all applications relevant to the site, and you will be able to see any discharge of condition applications received. This will include information on what condition has been discharged and any relevant information accompanying it.

Prior to this date, all the discharge of condition information that we have available would be under the original case reference and can be found using the site address or original application number using the planning application database.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for or want us to check, we can do so. This is a paid service. To ask us to check, please complete the discharge of condition check form and make a payment of £134.35.