In an emergency
If there is a danger to life due to flooding, call 999 immediately.
Flooding on the highway
To report flooding of the highway in an emergency, contact Central Bedfordshire Council’s 24-hour emergency team at 0300 300 8049.
For non-emergency issues like blocked drains and gullies, use the FixMyStreet online tool. You can also download the app to report and track issues. More information is available on the webpage on reporting highway problems.
Flooding on major trunk roads
Contact National Highways at 0300 123 5000 (24-hour service) or visit National Highways.
Flooding from surface water or foul sewers
- Anglian Water: Call 0345 7145 145 or visit Anglian Water
- Thames Water: Call 0800 316 9800 or visit Thames Water
Flooding from main rivers
To report an issue such as flooding or pollution incidents, contact the Environment Agency’s incident hotline at 0800 80 70 60 (24-hour service).
For advice and enquiries about flood warnings, contact the Environment Agency’s Floodline at 0345 988 1188 (24-hour service) or visit GOV.UK - check for flooding.
Internal Drainage Board
For general queries related to the Internal Drainage Board, call 01234 767995 or visit IDBs.
General flooding enquiries (non-main rivers)
For general queries and advice about flooding from a non-main river, email Please note this is not monitored 24/7 and should not be used in an emergency.
Flood preparedness
We do not provide sandbags to individual residents. For advice on preparing for flooding, making your property more resilient, and recovering after a flood event, visit our flooding advice page.