Designated Teachers in schools and education settings

Personal Education Plans (PEPs)

Central Bedfordshire Virtual School uses Personal Education Plan (PEP), and Special Education Needs Personal Education Plan (SENDPEP) documents in WORD format saved in a secure folder on Central Bedfordshire Council web based collaborative platform SharePoint. The PEP is prepopulated by our PEP Co-ordinator and a link to a secure folder containing the child / young person’s PEP document is sent to the Designated Teacher (DT) via email to enable access 3 weeks prior the PEP meeting.

In addition to the above, there is a PEP for young people who are NOR (those Not On Roll at an educational setting) or EOTAS (those with EHCPs with an offer of Education Other Than At School) and there is an IPEP (Initial PEP document for young people who are new into care). These PEPs are completed by the Educational Advisors supporting the young person in the absence of an educational setting.

Each child will have a minimum of two PEP meetings a year with a Designated Teacher (DT) Review in the term when a PEP meeting does not take place. For this, only the DT is present. The PEP WORD document is managed and completed by the education setting and submitted within 5 days of the PEP meeting. The WORD document must be added to live and all relevant documents saved to the folder by the DT. To submit a completed PEP, school/ college must contact the allocated Education Advisor who will quality assure the PEP and then submit it to ensure a copy is saved to the child’s permanent record.

The PEP should be completed in as much detail as possible before the PEP meeting. The PEP needs to be submitted on time to ensure it is available to review the child’s overall care plan.

The child’s Social Worker, carer, Designated Teacher, Education Advisor from the Virtual School, child (if appropriate) and parents (if appropriate) will be at the PEP meeting. Other professionals may attend, for example, the Supervising Social Worker, CAMHs workers or alternative education providers. The Social Worker arranges the PEP and sends out invites. The Education Advisor chairs the PEP meeting.

Quality Assurance of PEPs

Every PEP is quality assured before it is submitted. Below are the criteria for good PEPs. If a PEP is deemed unsatisfactory then the DT is supported by the Education Advisor to improve it. If a PEP is rated satisfactory advice will be given by the Education Advisor so the PEP can be improved next time.

PEP rating GOOD:

  • all significant sections completed in detail
  • targets and actions included with breakdown of staff and child’s actions
  • at least 3 SMART targets are included that match the child's needs
  • previous targets are reviewed
  • clear impact of previous pupil premium plus spend recorded
  • clear evidence of the effective use of pupil premium plus linked to pupil outcomes
  • record of termly progress from baseline and against national standards
  • returned within 5 school days of the PEP meeting
  • SDQ scores recorded (if relevant)
  • reading age recorded
  • pupil and carer views recorded
  • additional documentation (attendance records and IEPS) is included where relevant