Virtual School Monitoring
Virtual School has a statutory responsibility to monitor the attendance and attainment of all our children in care.
Attendance results
Virtual School commissions Welfare Call to collect data on children in care’s attendance at school. It is important that schools record the attendance data of all children accurately as these are legal documents and this information will be collected by Welfare Call.
Attainment results
Virtual School commissions Welfare Call to collect data on children in care’s attainment. This includes termly attainment data for all children in care, KS1 phonics outcomes and KS2 multiplication checks.
Exam Results Day
Designated Teachers should plan to ensure that the exam results of children in care are shared on results days so that Virtual School can keep a record of them and arrange delivery of any incentive vouchers that the young person has earned. Grades should be emailed to the child’s allocated Education Advisor, copying in Young people give permission for their results to be shared with Virtual School through their PEPs.