Post-16 and beyond

Post 16 Personal Education Plans (PEPs)

Central Bedfordshire Virtual School uses Personal Education Plan (PEP), and Special Education Needs Personal Education Plan (SENDPEP) documents in WORD format saved in a secure folder on Central Bedfordshire Council web based collaborative platform SharePoint. The PEP is prepopulated by our PEP Co-ordinator and a link to a secure folder containing the child / young person’s PEP document is sent to the Designated Teacher (DT) via email to enable access 3 weeks before the PEP meeting.

In addition to the above, there is a PEP for young people who are NEET (those Not in Education, Employment or Training), EET (those engaging in Education, Employment, Training but not at a college or sixth form setting), EOTAC (those with EHCPs with an offer of Education Other Than At College) and there is an IPEP (Initial PEP document for young people who are new into care). These PEPs are completed by the Educational Advisors supporting the young person in the absence of an educational setting.

The duty to promote the educational achievement of children in care extends to looked-after young people aged 16 or 17 preparing to leave care. As such, personal education plans (PEPs) are statutory for 16-17 year olds. If a young person has turned 18 it is considered good practice to continue with PEPs throughout academic Year 13 if the young person gives consent.

PEPs will take place each term resulting in 3 meetings a year. Education Advisors from the Virtual School will attend and chair all post 16 PEPs and work with the young people, educational settings, social care, fostering services and other outside agencies to ensure PEPs for KS5 are of the highest quality.