Mediation offered by FAMs

Family mediation

Mediation is offered by our Family Meetings, Mediation and Advocacy service (FAMs).

Mediation is a process where an impartial third party assists people to talk about difficult subjects and work towards resolving issues or disputes.

Both parties enter the mediation process voluntarily, hoping to reduce hostility and move forward positively. All discussions are confidential, and the only record of the mediation will be the written agreement, which both parties create and agree to.

Meetings are face-to-face in a neutral setting, at a time and date to be agreed by everyone (this can include evenings). Online meetings can be offered where appropriate.

The whole process from referral to meeting should take around 2 to 3 weeks.

Parts of the process

There are 2 parts to the mediation process.

Part 1 – individual assessment

The mediator meets each party separately. This allows each person to prepare for the joint meeting by expressing their concerns, their desired outcomes and possible solutions, through conflict coaching.

These meetings will take approximately an hour each.

Part 2 – joint meeting

The mediator brings both parties together at a time and location to suit them both. All concerns are shared and discussed with the mediator ensuring that all possible solutions offered by either party are explored. The mediator helps the parties to organise their thoughts and discussions into a mediation agreement which both parties are satisfied with, as a way to move forward.

The joint meeting will take approximately two hours. If it looks like it’s going to take longer, a second session may be needed.


The mediator will not share any information and will maintain confidentiality at all times. This confidentiality will only be broken if anything is disclosed which must be shared by law, i.e. the safety of a child, young person or vulnerable adult.

Contact us

Telephone: 0300 300 5788