Health and Wellbeing Board - meetings and agendas

Health and Wellbeing Board overview

You can watch this meeting online, either live or after the meeting has happened. 

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About the Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board is made up of representatives from the council’s public health service, children’s services and adult social care, the NHS, and other partners. It supports the improvement of the health and wellbeing of the local population and the reduction of health inequalities across Central Bedfordshire. It usually meets four times a year.

Agendas, reports and minutes

The agendas, reports and minutes for these meetings are all available via the links below. All papers are normally available in public unless there is a specific reason why they must be considered confidential. To view papers for any of the meetings of this body please click on the links below.

Committee dates

Find out future dates of meetings. You can filter to show each committee, by month and year.