Police and Crime Advisory Panel

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About the Police and Crime Advisory Panel

The Police and Crime Advisory Panel will review and scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with community safety in Central Bedfordshire. The Panel will make reports and recommendations to the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee in connection with community safety in Central Bedfordshire aimed at improving the efficient and effective delivery of services to local people.

The Sub-Committee will also be the local authority’s crime and disorder committee with the power to review or scrutinise decisions made or other action taken in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions and will make recommendations to the responsible authorities in respect of their crime and disorder functions subject to them being referred to the Sustainable Communities OSC for information.

To support collaborative working between the Council and those with responsibility for crime and community safety the Advisory Panel has agreed a shared working protocol. This protocol sets out how information will be exchanged between partners, how work programmes will be arranged, and how meetings will be conducted in a respectful manner.

View or download the Police and Crime Advisory Panel Protocol (PDF)

Agendas, reports and minutes

The agendas, reports and minutes for these meetings are all available via the links below. All papers are normally available in public unless there is a specific reason why they must be considered confidential. To view papers for any of the meetings of this body please click on the links below.

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