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About the SEND Sub-Committee
The SEND Sub-Committee will review and scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection to the delivery of services for children and young people with SEND in Central Bedfordshire. The Sub-Committee will make reports and recommendations to the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee in connection with the delivery of SEND services in Central Bedfordshire aimed at improving the efficient and effective delivery of services to local people.
Agendas, reports and minutes
The agendas, reports and minutes for these meetings are all available via the links below. All papers are normally available in public unless there is a specific reason why they must be considered confidential. To view papers for any of the meetings of this body please click on the links below.
Committee dates
Date change
Due to an Ofsted inspection taking place this week the SEND sub-committee has been moved from 13 March to 24 March from 9.30am and will be held as usual in the Council Chamber, Chicksands, Shefford.
Other meeting dates
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