We are consulting on our draft Freight Strategy – your voice matters
Consultation closed: 10am, Friday 20 December 2024
Consultation opened: 10am, Friday 8 November 2024
This consultation has closed.
What is the Freight Strategy?
The Freight Strategy sets out our approach to managing freight movements in Central Bedfordshire, to support the freight and logistics sector whilst minimising the negative impacts freight movements can have on residential communities, and to encourage freight movements to be as sustainable as possible.
The measures within the Freight Strategy are predominantly based on what we can legally deliver as a local authority, alongside measures that could allow us to have an influence over the behaviours of freight operators.
Why is a new Freight Strategy required?
The current Freight Strategy was adopted in 2011, and significant changes have taken place since then. The updated Freight Strategy provides revised information related to freight management in Central Bedfordshire, including new freight generators, new roads and additional weight limits that were implemented over the course of Local Transport Plan 3 (since 2011). The updated strategy also reflects changes to national and local policies related to freight.
What does the strategy include?
The strategy is based on the existing Local Transport Plan 3 Freight Strategy (PDF) but has been updated to reflect current policy and guidance, with additional sections and information included:
- the freight and logistics industry in Central Bedfordshire – the businesses that it supports and the employment opportunities that it brings to the area
- managing road freight movement – what we can do to manage road freight movements on the public highway, plus what we currently have in place
- rest facilities for HGV drivers in Central Bedfordshire
- servicing and deliveries – including what we can do to manage them on the public highway and through the planning process
- the impact of growth on freight movements – how planned development will affect the number and locations of freight movements in Central Bedfordshire
- the alternatives to road freight, such as rail, water, and air
- sustainability within the freight and logistics industry
Why did we consult on the draft Freight Strategy?
It is a legal requirement for us to publish the draft Freight Strategy for consultation. We think it is important for residents, businesses, and other interested parties to have the opportunity to have their say. Any feedback we receive will help us make sure our approach to managing freight works effectively.
What parts of the draft strategy can’t be influenced by the consultation?
Freight management is covered by various pieces of legislation. As a local authority we must follow legislation and, in some cases, this limits when and how we are able to intervene when a freight related issue arises. The proposed actions table sets out which areas of the Council is responsible for each action, including highways, planning, and environmental. We have also included some ‘supportive’ actions – this is for areas where we have no legal powers but will set out our preferred approach and encourage those that can make a difference to do so.
Other freight related requests
It won’t be possible to follow up on any freight related requests that are submitted as part of the draft Freight Strategy consultation, including requests for new 7.5 tonne weight limits and for enforcement of existing restrictions.
- requests for new 7.5 tonne weight limit schemes can be requested via Fix My Street, however they will not be assessed until the revised Freight Strategy is adopted
- the enforcement of existing weight limits is the responsibility of Bedfordshire Police; you can report a freight related enforcement issue
Next steps
After the consultation ends, we will consider all the comments received and will make changes to the draft strategy where necessary. A summary of the comments received and how they’ve been taken into account will be presented to our Executive Committee, alongside the final version of the Freight Strategy for adoption.