Forums and groups

Your Voice Matters

Joint Committees

Joint Committees are public and open forums organised on a locality basis where members of the public can engage and raise issues about matters affecting their town / locality. Follow the links to read more about each committee:

Town and Parish Council topic sessions

We run ‘virtual’ topic-based sessions via Microsoft Teams. These sessions will run once or twice monthly and focus on guidance.

You can view details of all the sessions we've ran.

Community Partners

We hold regular monthly engagement meetings with VCS Community partner organisations, other VCS organisations would be welcome to attend.

More information is available on our community engagement web pages.

Older People's Network

The Central Bedfordshire Older People's Network seeks to promote the inclusion and integration of older people living in the various communities of Central Bedfordshire, to promote equality of access to information and services, to promote a positive attitude to ageing and to promote an enhanced quality of life for older people.

Tenant involvement

We are bringing lots of new engagement opportunities your way through housing hubs and events in the local community. The hubs are an opportunity for you to come along to get advice on housing and community issues, and find out what support is available.

Housing Officers and partners will be at the hubs to advise on a range of topics, including rent, repairs, managing your income, anti-social behaviour, tenancy support and homelessness. We will also try to advise and signpost on other issues you may have.

Find out more about tenant involvement.

Youth Parliament

As an elected group of young people, Youth Parliament (external website) provides opportunities for 13 to 18-year-olds for a two-year term to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change. They help influence the services provided and ensure the views of young people are known and understood.

Bedfordshire Autism Voice (BAV) Partnership Network

The BAV is a new partnership arrangement in place of the previous Think Autism Partnership Board.

It is led, chaired, and run by autistic people for autistic people to discuss local issues and things that are important to them.

There are 3 BAV groups held once every 3 months. The local groups are held in North, mid and south central Bedfordshire in venues chosen by autistic people.

This is a great opportunity for you to get involved and make a real difference for autistic people in Bedfordshire.

To join your local group, or if you have any questions, please send a message to

Talk Adult Social Care (TASC) forum

We want to create an inclusive adult social care system where people who use services, carers, and professionals collaborate meaningfully to design, implement, and improve services. We strive for a future where co-production is not only a standard, but a fundamental value, driving quality, equity, and person-centred care.

Whether you are using or have used adult social care services, are a family member or carer to someone who is, or you are working in an adult social care service in Central Bedfordshire, your voice matters. 

We recognise that our services are most effectively delivered, designed, and improved by collaborating with our experts by experience.

If you're interested in being involved in making your voice heard and shaping the future of adult social care in Central Bedfordshire, you can register your interest to find out more about co-production in adult social care.
