Retrofitting skills

Free retrofit construction courses

Find and apply for a retrofitting course

We're offering a free training programme in construction skills that helps create a sustainable future by making older homes more energy-efficient in a process called retrofitting.

The tailored training is designed to address the urgent need for skilled professionals in the construction industry and will equip participants with the expertise needed to retrofit homes across Central Bedfordshire, improving energy efficiency and reducing their carbon footprint.

As part of our commitment to a sustainable future, three innovative retrofitting training courses have been made possible through the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Who is delivering the programme?

The training programme will be delivered by our partner training provider The Insulation Assurance Authority (CS), on behalf of the Bedfordshire Employment and Skills Academy.

Who is the programme suitable for?

Anyone who currently works, lives or studies in the Central Bedfordshire area.

This programme is open to all those currently working in the retrofit/construction industry and to those wishing to change career and enter the green construction space.

The courses include:

  • Level 2 Understanding Domestic Retrofit
  • Level 3 Certificate in Domestic Energy Assessment
  • Level 3 Energy Efficiency in Older Buildings

The programme has been made possible due to government funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund allocated from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

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