Apply for school transport

Apply for transport for people over 16

In most circumstances, once a young person reaches sixth-form age, we expect that they will be able to make their own arrangements to travel to and from school or college independently.

If they live more than 3 miles from their education placement, this would be by public transport, where available. In some circumstances, we will provide support in order to help the young person to travel independently or if necessary, provide a transport service to ensure that the young person is able to attend their education placement.

Transport assistance will be provided to the nearest suitable educational establishment where the chosen programme of study is offered. For young people with an EHCP, this will be the placement named on the EHCP, as long as this is the nearest suitable placement. If parents have requested an alternative placement which is not the nearest, transport will not be provided.

For more information please view our Post-16 Transport Policy (PDF).

Deadline for transport applications

We ask that all applications for transport be submitted before 15 July each academic year. In order for us to make transport arrangements where vehicles are required, we do require a student’s timetable (start and finish times of the days attending). We understand that this may not be released by the school or college until very close to the start of the academic year and recommend that an application is made with the relevant benefits or payment included and a note is left in one of the free text boxes to advise that the timetable will be added once received. Please remember that it can take up to 15 working days after the timetable has been submitted to arrange transport. Parents/carers will be responsible for transport during this time.

How much it costs

Full Council decided in February that there will be a change in fees for those who pay for home to school travel from 1 September 2024.

Those who apply and pay for their space during the summer application round, will pay the current fee of £267 per term or £801 for the academic year and if you remain on transport for the full academic year you will continue to be charged at that rate.

Those who apply after 1 September will be charged at the new fee of £434 per term or £1300 for the academic year. This equates to approximately £6.60 a day and will allow the change in fees to roll out gradually giving parents the time and space to plan for the change in fee; and to consider alternative transport options.

Read the minutes from Full Council (PDF)

However, a young person may be entitled to free travel assistance if he or she has certain medical needs, and if someone in the household is in receipt of one of the qualifying income-related benefits.

Transport will also be provided free of charge for young adults, aged between 19 to 25 starting a course or training in September, who have special educational needs and have been assessed as requiring assistance to enable them to travel to and from their place of education or training.

If you are not entitled to transport through us, we would also advise you to contact your education provider as colleges and schools have access to the 16 to 19 bursary which can help towards your transport costs. These are administered directly by schools and colleges and the amount they offer may vary depending on your circumstances.

How to apply

Apply for post-16 transport

You will need your supporting evidence: a medical letter, low-income information (dated no more than 2 months prior to your application) or your payment receipt to complete this form. If you are applying on the grounds of special educational needs, you will need to provide evidence to show that travel assistance is necessary to enable your young person to attend their school, college or training provider. Please ensure you have this to hand before completing the application as you are unable to submit the application without this documentation.

Please note that a young person with a qualifying medical need may be able to apply for a disabled person's bus pass. If you are eligible for such a pass, the young person will be expected to use it to travel between home and college on public transport where appropriate.

Please note: this form is not for concessionary travel on mainstream school buses. Find out how to apply for concessionary travel to school.

Please read the following factsheet for information about post-16 travel (PDF).