Our independent remuneration panel makes recommendations to the Council on the level of allowances to be paid to elected members of the Council and other non-elected people such as co-opted members. The Council must have regard to the panel’s recommendations when reviewing or amending its scheme. The panel comprises four independent, impartial people with no connection to the council.
The Council comprises 63 councillors who are elected to determine the policies and priorities of a very large and complex organisation. Councillors undertake a wide range of roles and receive financial allowances in accordance with a members' allowances scheme, which sets out the payments to be made for each role.
Latest panel review
View or download the documents from the latest panel review.
Why we have a panel
The government requires that we have an independent remuneration panel. The Council cannot alter or update their existing schemes for members' allowances without first considering a report from the independent remuneration panel.
The intention is that the panel should be made up of completely independent persons who can consider the roles undertaken by Councillors and make recommendations as to the amount they should receive in both basic and special responsibility allowances.
The panel will receive information from councillors to enable them to reach informed decisions and will be able to seek comparative information from other councils, interview councillors and generally undertake whatever research they consider necessary to enable them to make well-founded recommendations.
26 October 2016 documents
Read the meeting notes from the panel meeting held on 26 October, 2016 (PDF 17.8KB) .