Customer feedback

How to complain about our services

We aim to make it as easy as possible for you to complain.

You can make a complaint using our online complaint form.

Send us a complaint

Telephone: 0300 300 4995

You can use our easy read complaint form.

You can also raise a complaint verbally with any member of staff. All members of staff should be aware of the complaint process and be able to pass details of your complaint to the appropriate complaint handling person/team.

If you make a complaint via social media, you will be signposted to the appropriate complaint handling person/team or to the online complaint form to ensure confidentiality and privacy are maintained.

What support is there to help you make a complaint?

We will consider our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and any reasonable adjustments you may need to access the complaint process. Find out more about reasonable adjustments.

There are various types of independent advocacy services available, depending on your needs. An advocate is someone who can help you to make a complaint and ensure your views are heard.

For a child or young person who wants to make a complaint about children’s social care services, we can organise an advocate in most cases. Alternatively, a child or young person can request an advocate.

You can also: