Parents and carers play an important role in teaching children and young people how to understand and manage their feelings as they grow up.
A young person’s mental health and wellbeing can change all the time. Because of this, it can help to check in regularly and make time for young people to talk about how they're feeling. You don't have to wait until they're struggling.
In the event of a young person in crisis or need for urgent support dial 999
The ‘How you Feel Matters’ graphic uses the Thrive Framework to support young people to access support at the differing levels of need. The information can be accessed here and disseminated to young people.
Mental health and wellbeing guidance and support services
Local support services
MIND BLMK Young Persons Wellbeing Navigator Service
Crisis Support - Mind BLMK
Chat Health (Text: 07507 331450 for support)
Next Generation Youth Theatre
PoetsIn Creative Mental Health Programme
Carers in Bedfordshire
School Nursing Service (Call: 0300 555 0606)
North Bedfordshire CAMHS
South Bedfordshire and Luton CAMHS
CHUMS Bedfordshire and Luton (Call: 01525 863924)
Bedfordshire and Luton Discovery College - East London NHS Foundation Trust
TACTIC (Teenage Advice Centre-Teenage Information Centre)
Bedfordshire Open Door (Call: 01234 360388)
Bedfordshire Sorted (Call: 01582 891435)
Relate Counselling Bedfordshire (Call: 01234 356350)
Lumi Nova app