
Autistic Spectrum Conditions are lifelong developmental conditions that affect how people communicate and interact with others.

Autism is not a learning disability although people with Autism may have learning disabilities.

You can find out more about Autism, the signs, how it is diagnosed and a lot more information on the Mencap website.

The Easy Health website have gathered together various easy-read leaflets which can help people with autism to better understand their condition.

Asperger Syndrome

Asperger Syndrome is a previously used diagnosis on the autism spectrum. It’s no longer diagnosed as a separate condition.

Support services available for autism

Local support includes:

  • Autism Bedfordshire is a local organisation who offer information and advice helpline, advocacy and specific projects to help people with autism develop their social skills and employment skills
  • adult advocacy services
  • Carers in Bedfordshire runs some specific meetings and activities to support carers Carer’s in Bedfordshire can also help you apply for a grant to help you take a break from your caring role and training in topics including: confident caring, stress management, first aid, IT and painting

We also have a dedicated Autism Specialist Care Manager. To speak to this officer please call our customer services on 0300 300 8100.

Other organisations who can help are:

  • The National Autistic Society is a leading UK charity for people with autism (including Aspergers syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism
  • Autism Independent UK exists to increase awareness of autism, together with well established and newly developed approaches in the diagnosis, assessment, education and treatment. The main goal is to improve the quality of life for people with autism

Looking after someone with autism

If you look after a relative or friend with autism, visit Carers in Bedfordshire for more general information about the help, advice and support that may be available to you as a carer.

Bedfordshire Autism Voice

We've created Bedfordshire Autism Voice, in collaboration with Autism Bedfordshire, to better support local adults with autism.

Bedfordshire Autism Voice has replaced Bedfordshire’s Think Autism Partnership Board, and will hold community-based, local meetings to discuss issues that are important to people with autism living in Central Bedfordshire.

Meetings will take place once every three months in locations in the north, south and middle of Central Bedfordshire. Each meeting will be led by the same specialist coordinator to ensure continuity for attendees. Adults who are autistic, or a parent or carer for someone with autism, can attend.

To find out about meetings in your local area, please email: