Waste education talks

Let us tell you what we know about waste and recycling

We're pleased to offer a range of waste and recycling education talks for community groups and schools in Central Bedfordshire. Our talks equip individuals with trusted information, knowledge, and the skills to waste less and ‘bin better’. 

We can offer talks and workshops to:

  • community organisations, such as climate groups, Women’s Institute, housing groups and Rotary clubs
  • youth groups, such as Brownies, Scouts, Guides, and social youth groups
  • schools (key stage 1 to key stage 4 and eco-councils) (find out more about our waste services for schools)
  • parish, community and town councils

We can tailor talk content and length to suit your needs and can deliver to a range of age groups. Our most popular talks focus on: 

  • recycling – how to recycle correctly, and how we manage waste and recycling in Central Bedfordshire
  • food waste – how to use your brown food waste recycling bin, what happens to food waste after it has been collected, and how to reduce food waste to protect the planet and save money
  • waste reduction and re-use – how to buy less, buy better and minimise how much we throw away

Please contact customers@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk to discuss your group’s requirements and inquire about a talk.

Read more information about our waste education for schools.

If you’d like to support us with delivering our waste education programme, join our waste reduction volunteer network.