TopFind out about:
- General advice on avoiding trips and falls
- People with learning disabilities
- Long term conditions
- Mental health problems
- Older people
- Carers
AvoidingAvoiding trips and falls
There are a number of ways you can reduce your chances of having a fall, by some simple changes in your home and doing special exercises.
Top tips for preventing falls in the home include:
- using non-slip mats and rugs
- removing clutter, trailing wires and frayed carpet
- organising your home so that climbing, stretching and bending are kept to a minimum
- wearing well-fitting shoes that support the ankles
- taking care of your feet by trimming toenails regularly or seeing a foot care practitioner
Read the advice from Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group for more tips.
Overtime our muscles weaken and can affect your balance. Exercising can strengthen your muscles. There are a number of ways you can do this. Have a look at Walk 4 Health plus our seated exercise classes, or contact to see what is available in your area.
Medication review and eyesight tests
Your medication should be reviewed by your GP annually. Some side affects of medication could cause you to fall or put you at risk of falling. Eyesight problems such as Glaucoma can also affect your balance so you should make sure you have regular eye tests.
If you have been having falls, it is important that you tell your GP who can carry out some simple tests..
General wellbeing
As we get older it is important that we try to keep as healthy as possible. This includes:
People with learning disabilities
Many people with a learning disability can live independently, living alone and in employment. However, others may need more intensive support with tasks such as eating, dressing and personal care. Although support needs may differ, we know that with the right support, people with learning disabilities can live full and meaningful lives. Without it, people are at risk of losing their independence, becoming socially isolated and unable to develop or maintain relationships with family and friends. Prevention is key.
LongLong term conditions
With 26 million people in England reporting to have at least one long-term condition and 10 million with two or more, supporting people to manage their long-term health conditions can significantly improve their quality of life and promote long-term changes in their physical, mental and psychological health.
MentalMental health problems
With one in four adults experiencing mental health problems at some point in their lives, there really is ‘no health without mental health’. Prevention in mental health focuses on building and maintaining wellbeing on both an individual and community basis.
OlderOlder people
Demographic and social changes in recent years have placed health and social care service under pressure, with a estimated increase of over 51% more people over the age of 65 by 2030, preventative approaches are central to the future of social care commissioning for older people.
Enabling older people to retain their independence for as long as possible, through preventative approaches, is central to maintaining their quality of life and also reducing pressures on local health and social care budgets.
There are currently around 5,430,016 carers in England, with the economic contribution made by carers in the UK being valued at £132bn a year. Carers are often key to people being able to maintain their independence and stay living at home or within their family, however the role of a carer can have impact on a person’s employment, their personal finances, their social life, their relationships and their mental and physical wellbeing.