Non-homeowner pre-application planning advice
This pre-application advice covers development from 1 to 49 dwellings, and any new commercial floorspace up to 3000 square metres.
Select Residential or Commercial on the form and then select the option that covers the advice you are seeking. If you’re unable to find an option that covers your proposal, select the option at the bottom of the list (not in the list above). On receipt of your form, we’ll be in touch to request a bespoke fee depending on your proposal.
For large-scale development (over 50 dwellings & over 5,000 square metres) or where you’d like to engage with us regarding a planning performance agreement please initially visit our guidance on planning performance agreements.
Want to request advice for large-scale development (over 50 dwellings & over 5,000 square metres):
Select option “Over 50 dwellings or over 5,000sqm or relates to a Planning Performance Agreement”
Select option 1 - (over 50 dwellings & over 5,000 square metres)
Complete the form and submit. Your form will be passed to a planning manager for checking. Depending on the proposal, the manager will calculate a pre-application fee and request payment or contact you regarding a planning performance agreement.
Already have a Planning Performance Agreement with us, and are ready to submit your pre-application request for advice:
Select option “Over 50 dwellings or over 5,000sqm or relates to a Planning Performance Agreement”
Select option 2 - (Pre-application advice covered by an existing Planning Performance Agreement)
Complete the form, you will need to enter your agreement reference and submit. Your form will be passed to the planning officer dealing with your agreement.
Pre-application advice can help to:
- give you an understanding of how an application will be judged against the policies in the development plan
- identify where there is a need for specialist surveys/reports/requirements relating to trees or landscape, traffic, land liable to flood, and anticipate other regulatory requirements
- indicate where a proposal is completely unacceptable to us, saving the costs of finalising an application
- give an indication of the likely requirement for contributions
- identify whether a development brief will be required prior to the submission of a planning application, and advise on the expected content and process for the preparation of a development brief
To submit an application for advice:
Apply online; we don’t accept email requests or postal requests.
Payment will be taken at the time of submission.
We'll need a site location plan, clearly showing the site and the proposed development.
If you’re able to provide any of these, it would really help us:
- block plan showing the proposed development
- proposed and existing elevations
- proposed and existing floor plans
- photographs
- any other relevant information
Residential development: how much it costs and how long it takes
All fees include VAT.
1 dwelling
- initial written advice £400
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £103.05
- follow-up written advice £206.10
- timescale: 4 weeks
2 to 4 dwellings
- initial advice (1 hour meeting & written response) £800
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £171.31
- follow-up written advice £342.60
- timescale: 4 weeks
5 to 9 dwellings
- initial advice (1 hour meeting & written response) £1,149.30
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £342.60
- follow-up written advice £685.22
- timescale: 4 weeks
10 to 19 dwellings
- initial advice (2 hour meeting & written response) £1,823.47
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £548.05
- follow-up written advice £1,096.07
- timescale: 8 weeks
20 to 29 dwellings
- initial advice (2 hour meeting & written response) £2,849.63
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £822.39
- follow-up written advice £1,644.79
- timescale: 8 weeks
30 to 49 dwellings
- initial advice (2 hour meeting & written response) £4,372.92
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £1,370.44
- follow-up written advice £2,740.85
- timescale: 8 weeks
Request residential pre-application advice
Commercial development: how much it costs and how long it takes
Under 1000 square metres
- initial written advice £1,149.30
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £342.60
- follow-up written advice £685.22
- timescale: 4 weeks
1000 to 1999 square metres
- initial advice (2 hour meeting & written advice) £1,823.47
- follow-up 1 hour meeting £548.05
- follow-up written advice £1,096.07
- timescale: 8 weeks
2000 to 2999 square metres
- initial advice (2 hour meeting & written advice) £2,489.63
- follow-up meeting £822.39
- follow-up written advice £1,644.79
- timescale: 8 weeks
3000 to 4999 square metres
- initial advice (2 hour meeting & written advice) £4,372.92
- follow-up meeting £1,370.44
- follow-up written advice £2,740.85
- timescale: 8 weeks