Planning delivery provides pre-application advice and decides planning and related applications.
We deal with the following types of planning applications:
- householder applications (extensions, accesses, outbuildings, homeowner renewable energy schemes and alterations to a property)
- minor applications
- major applications (more than 10 dwellings or a floor space of more than 1,000 square metres)
- listed building consents
- prior approvals
- certificates of lawfulness
- Tree Preservation Orders
- works to trees in a conservation area
- minor amendments
- variations of conditions
- discharge of conditions
- advertisement consents
The quickest and most convenient way to get help is to check our planning webpages for further information.
If you would like to contact us about a current planning application, please contact the case officer. Their details can be found on our planning register using the application reference number.
Further information on what you can expect throughout your key interactions with planning delivery and our customer standards can be found in our Customer Charter.
Planning advice
If you are looking for advice before submitting an application, further information can be found on our planning advice page. This includes information on whether planning permission may be required.
Advice on making a planning application
If you are looking for advice on how to make a planning application, further information can be found on our planning application guidance page. This provides useful information on how to make a planning application, what you might need for a planning application and the process of a planning application.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
If you can’t find the information you need on our website, you can contact us using the planning enquiry form.