Homeless: Friends or family eviction

What to do if friends or family ask you to leave

We often work with people who are asked to leave by friends, family or their landlord.

Can you stay where you are?

If you ask us for help with housing, we'll try to find out:

  • why you've been asked to leave
  • if there's a legal right for you to stay in your home, or any other accommodation
  • if you can stay in your home, by talking to whoever's asked you to leave (we're independent, so this often works, but you can try it, too)
  • if you're able to stay with other friends or family for a bit, or if they can help in any other way

If all of these options don't work, we'll help you find a privately rented home.

What we'll need, to be able to help

To help us negotiate with whoever's evicting you, or to help us find accommodation, we need documentary evidence that you have been asked to leave.

For family or friends, we'll need a letter from them with a minimum of 28 days’ notice.

For landlords, this could be

  • Section 21 notice
  • possession order
  • eviction order
  • bailiff's warrant

We'll work with you to prevent you becoming homeless. As part of this, we'll need to understand your wider circumstances. This includes your finances and any support needs you or other members of your household may have.

Find out how to tell us you'll be homeless.