Supporting young parents

Support a young parent and their child

Parent and child fostering

If you have experience of good parenting or a passion to support young parents, we’d love to hear from you.

Anyone who has children will remember that becoming a parent can be quite a daunting experience. Having someone who understands what you’re going through and can offer help and guidance can make a massive difference.

We’re looking for people with experience or knowledge of good parenting to nurture young parents with the skills, support, and confidence they need to help them continue to care for their babies or small children. They could be teenage mothers who need a helping hand or even older parents who may need additional support to build their confidence and skills.

A parent and their child will live with you for 12 weeks (sometimes longer). During this time you will offer mentoring, advice, and practical and emotional support to help them prepare for independence. You’ll also be expected to contribute to the assessment of the parent on their ability to care for their child.

Request an information pack

You’ll be paid for your time and supported by an experienced team

You’ll receive specific training linked to the new scheme, in addition to the usual support and training open to all Central Bedfordshire foster carers. You will also receive an intensive support rate of £550 a week when you have a parent and child in placement.

Read more about foster carer allowances and support, or speak to a member of the team if you have questions.

Interested? Request an information pack or a callback

Your help and support could make all the difference to a child remaining with their parent. If you’d like to find out more, complete our form to request an information pack or a callback from a member of the fostering team.

Request an information pack

Telephone: 0300 300 8181

Foster East logo

We’re part of Foster East, partnering with other councils in the south east to support foster carers and help children thrive.

Learn more about Foster East