Fostering teenagers
We have a significant number of teenagers who need foster carers.
If you think back, the teenage years can be a difficult time – filled with insecurity and feelings of no one understanding you.
Now imagine that same situation as a teenager without your family.
As a foster carer, you can offer guidance, support, and a friendly ear. Helping guide and support a teenager through their transition from adolescence to young adulthood.
What support do they need?
You will need to be a role model for a teenager - reliable, patient, and trustworthy. Plus be strong to challenge, as they need to know where they stand.
Foster carers need to be approachable and available for teens to talk to. They need someone who will listen to them and be non-judgemental, open, and honest.
Teens may need help to organise their lives, deal with their feelings, and have good times with friends. And where appropriate, stay in touch with their family.
Foster carers need to help teens learn good practical skills they’ll need in the future, especially if they move to live independently - such as cooking and managing money.
Other ways to help teenagers in care
We are also looking for people with experience of working with children and young people to be part of our intensive support fostering scheme.
You will be helping children and young people with challenging behaviours or complex needs. We provide extensive training and support and also provide you with a fee and an allowance for the child.
Becoming a foster carer or foster parent for the first time
If you have experience of caring for teenagers, by raising your own family, or perhaps through work then this could suit you.
If you are considering becoming a foster carer for the first time, we offer regular supervision and support to all our foster carers – it will be a challenge, but you might thrive on it.
Existing foster carers or foster parents
If you are an existing foster carer, we can help build your skills and confidence to become an intensive support foster carer.
Support for foster carers
We know that regular, relevant training and support for our foster carers is essential so we'll provide you with a comprehensive support package.
We'll also help you to build a network around you from other foster carers for support, advice and guidance.
Fostering allowances for fostering teenagers
You’ll receive a competitive fee and an allowance to cover the costs of caring for a child. Find out more about foster carer's support and allowances.
Interested? Request an information pack or a callback
Telephone: 0300 300 8181

We’re part of Foster East, partnering with other councils in the south east to support foster carers and help children thrive.
Learn more about Foster East