Fostering: Benefits of transferring to us

Foster carers: Why you should transfer to us

A social worker and a family on sofa

Better matches, regular placements

As we’re responsible for all children and young people coming into care in Central Bedfordshire, we have extensive knowledge about each child and young person, and as a Central Bedfordshire foster carer we will take time to get to know you and your strengths. This helps us identify the foster carer most suitable to meet the needs of our children and young people. And, as we look to our own pool of carers first, you’re less likely to have long gaps in between placements – providing you with more financial security.

As there is no middle agency to deal with the matching process with Central Bedfordshire Council is great. Everyone you’re dealing with (such as social workers) work for the same organisation, so everything feels more joined up – resulting in better communication and quicker decision-making.

Generous allowances

You might have heard that independent fostering agencies (IFAs) pay their foster carers a higher allowance, but this isn’t always true. We’ll match whatever fees and allowances you currently receive for any children or young people you already care for. You may even find that you are better off financially fostering for us. Other financial benefits include a discount card for days out, 14 nights' paid respite care per year and additional payments for things like birthdays, holidays and much more.

Read more about fees and allowances.

Keeping it local

By fostering with us you’re helping to keep children and young people in local care, near to their birth families, friends and schools. And, if you live in or near Bedfordshire, we are a great place to foster as everything you need is right on your doorstep: local services, training, activities and events. It will be easier to form support networks with other local foster carers and families, and you’ll be closer to a strong infrastructure of local specialists and professionals. Fostering with us also means you’ll have direct access to social workers, who all work for the same organisation.

Imagine being moved miles away from your school, friends and family? By becoming a Central Bedfordshire Council foster carer you’ll be helping local children and young people remain rooted in their local communities where they belong.

Personalised support

From the moment you join us we’re committed to providing you with all the support you need. You’ll have direct access to our social workers, support from clinicians and wellbeing professionals and opportunities to meet with senior members of staff to share your ideas and feedback. And you’ll have the chance to join our invaluable peer-to-peer mentoring scheme – where you’ll receive ongoing support from other local and experienced foster carers.

Other support includes:

  • a daily duty worker for when your social worker is not available
  • out of office hours support, including weekends
  • support for your own children, including training and activities
  • a family membership to the Fostering Network with access to helplines, discounts, networking opportunities, events, an online community and other areas of support
  • an annual celebration and awards event, social groups - plus local face-to-face and online training
  • additional supervision visits in your first year to help you find your feet as one of our carers

You’ll be pleasantly surprised becoming a Central Bedfordshire foster carer. The support we’ve had has been amazing. The child’s social worker understands everything that we’re going through – the high and lows that a placement can bring.

Excellent training

Our Good rating by Ofsted means the training package you receive as a foster carer will be second to none. You'll receive dedicated support from a training officer who will coordinate local and ongoing training from a range of professional experts, based on your needs and the children and young people you care for. You'll also learn about our therapeutic approach. Well received by our foster carers, the PACE model will provide you with the tools you need to deal with a variety of challenges so you can deliver life-changing outcomes for children and young people in your care.

Next steps

If you’re an experienced foster carer currently working for an agency, the process of transferring over to us can be quicker if you have all your assessment documentation in place.

To discuss the process or to find out more about transferring to us call 0300 300 8181 or email

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We’re part of Foster East, partnering with other councils in the south east to support foster carers and help children thrive.

Learn more about Foster East