Services for children and young people

School nursing service - youth services

The team of school nurses works with you and your family to ensure your health and wellbeing needs are supported within your school and community.

Your school nurse can help with things like:

  • emotional health and wellbeing
  • sexual health
  • obesity
  • asthma

The service includes:

  • drop-in clinics for children aged 11 to 19 (including the PRUs); students in year 7 and above can self-refer to the school nursing team through attending drop-ins, which are run on a weekly basis in schools across the county
  • Parentline - a secure and confidential text service for parents and carers of those aged 0-19, offering advice and support on a range of issues. Text 07507 331456 with your question to start the conversation – our team will be there to answer your queries from 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
  • ChatHealth – a confidential, secure, text message service for children and young people aged 11 to 19. Text 07507 331450 Monday to Friday, 9am until 4:30pm, to ask health related questions on mental health, drugs, relationships etc.

Telephone: 0300 555 0606
Visit Bedfordshire School Nursing's website