Youth Support Service

Youth Voice

Our youth work team support young people to have a voice and make a difference in their local community through different youth voice mechanisms, including Youth Parliament, Youth Central, Youth Councils and the Youth Forum.

Central Bedfordshire Youth Parliament

As an elected group of young people, Youth Parliament provides opportunities for 13 to 18-year-olds for a two-year term to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change. They help influence the services provided and ensure the views of young people are known and understood.

Young Commissioners

Young Commissioners provide a platform for young people to become involved in the decision making process of the recruitment and selection of organisations to run the council youth support services, these services are aimed at children and young people who live and go to school in Central Bedfordshire.

Being part of the Young Commissioners provides young people with an excellent opportunity to have a voice in finding the right organisations to deliver youth provision on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council.

Young Commissioners are also trained to carry out inspections of services, report their findings and make recommendations on how the service can be improved to meet the needs of young people.

Youth Forum

This is an opportunity for young people to come together from across the authority to examine the youth offer of Central Bedfordshire, and the Children and Young People’s Plan. This includes services provided on behalf of and by Central Bedfordshire Council. These young people meet regularly with decision-makers and provide feedback on services. 

Additional opportunities

Young people involved in all our projects have additional opportunities such as recruitment and selection of staff, meeting with their local councillors and MP’s and attending CBC strategic meetings to represent the views of young people.

To find out more visit the Central Bedfordshire Youth Voice website.

For further information on how you can be involved in any of the above please contact Lisa Wright (Senior Youth Worker).
Mobile: 07969 200940
Follow us on Twitter: @CBYouthVoice and Facebook @Central