Title | Ward | Listing status | Date listed | Decision date |
Allotments, Harlington | Toddington | Listed | ||
Area of land beyond the Queen’s Head Public House, The Lane, Tebworth | Heath and Reach | Not listed | 9 May 2019 | |
Beauty of a Kind (6 Lincoln Way), Harlington | Toddington | Expired (de-listed) | 5 February 2014 | |
Bedford Square Community Centre, Houghton Regis | Houghton Hall | Expired (de-listed) | 12/02/2016 | |
Bossard House, Leighton Buzzard | Leighton Linsalde (South) | Listed | 20 December 2023 | 26 December 2023 |
Bunyan’s Oak (and field within) Harlington | Toddington | Not listed | 04 April 2014 | |
Bury Orchard, Harlington | Toddington | Listed | ||
Chalton Village Hall, Chalton | Toddington | Listed | 04/09/2020 | |
Convenience store / newsagents (12 Lincoln Way), Harlington | Toddington | Expired (de-listed) | 05/02/2014 | |
Dunstablians Rugby Club, Houghton Regis | Houghton Hall | Expired (de-listed) | 16/12/2015 |