We work with a number of providers to offer a variety of activities for children and young people across Central Bedfordshire who are entitled to benefit-related free school meals. These include arts and crafts activities, sports clubs, dance and performing arts, youth activities for 11-16-year-olds, and multi-activity clubs for 5-12-year-olds.
If you are an organisation who would like to join our list of approved providers, register your interest on Intend. We open the tender application process twice a year. Organisations can apply to be part of the HAF programme by submitting an application through the portal.
Our HAF Programme Specification document, which will be available when the tender is open for applications, outlines the areas which we are keen to offer activities in. However, there is some scope to offer activities outside of these main areas.
Every child who attends a face-to-face session receives a free hot meal and snacks. As part of your application, please take into account costings for food as this is an essential part of any offer.
Please note that our HAF programme runs only in the Easter, summer, and Christmas holidays, and is for children in reception through to year 11. Activities should be a minimum of 4 hours long.
For more information, or to discuss the HAF programme further, please email haf@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.
Hear from some of our providers
Leighton Linslade School Games
We have seen children form new friendships and gain new skills through our enrichment afternoons, along with providing them with opportunities to stay active. Cooking and wellbeing classes have been some of our most popular activities, increasing both the confidence and self-esteem of all children.
Central Bedfordshire Council’s Young Carers
The children were able to engage in activities including caving, campfire building, an assault course and water activities. Learning to light a campfire using fire steels and lint was a great experience and a challenge due to recent wet weather. However, they persevered and eventually they had a campfire going which allowed them to make s'mores! It allowed them to build new friendships and enjoy some much-needed downtime from their caring responsibilities.