Technical site assessment criteria was produced so that we can evaluate all of the sites that have been submitted. We asked for your comments on these three sets of criteria. This consultation closed on 29 July 2016.
I was consulted on the housing assessment criteria in April. How have my comments been used?
The comments that we received in response to this initial consultation were used alongside comments from officers internally to shape the criteria that are being consulted on now. Please view the schedule of changes (PDF 814.1KB)
to see how these have been taken into account.
How will the housing site assessment criteria be used?
The housing site assessment criteria will be used to assess sites to see whether they are ‘suitable’, ‘available’ and ‘achievable’. National guidance from central government (link opens in new window) requires us to do this and the outcomes of this will be collated in an evidence document called the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).
Crucially, the sites that come through this process will not automatically become the draft housing allocations in the Local Plan. The SHLAA is just one of a number of technical evidence documents which will be used to determine the most sustainable locations for growth. The evidence base includes the results of public consultation, the sustainability appraisal and the strategic growth options studies.
How will the Gypsy and Traveller and employment site assessment criteria be used?
Like the housing criteria, these two sets of criteria will be used to provide a technical assessment of the sites. Sites which are selected for development will also be informed by the wider evidence base for the Local Plan.