Register of interests Town and Parish Council - Liz Jones

Member Name

Liz Jones

Town/Parish Council

Dunstable Town Council

My employment

Civil Servant for Department for Work and Pensions

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee employment

Community Transport Driver for South Beds Dial-a-Ride

My sponsorship

Conservative Party

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee sponsorship


My contracts


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee contracts


My land

82 Jeans Way, Dunstable LU5 4PP

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee land

82 Jeans Way, Dunstable, LU5 4PP

My licenses


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee licenses


My tenancies


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee tenancies


My securities


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee securities


Gifts and hospitality

09/12/23 - Grove Theatre two pantomime tickets offered to all councillors which I accepted at value of £25.50 each plus a glass of wine afterwards. Total value £65 approx

11/09/2023 - Community Champion at Tesco Extra, Skimpot Road donated raffle prizes estimated at £100 towards my Mayoral Fundraising events including two drink hampers and a HP Printer. Money raised at fundraising events in September to November will go to chosen mayors charities in May 2024.

Bodies on which I represent the Council

Poor Lands Charity
Lockington Charity
Marshe Charity

Public authorities or bodies that I'm appointed to


Charitable bodies of which I am a Member

Rotary club of Dunstable - Member
Hospice at Home Volunteers - Trustee
Friends of Priory House & Gardens - Member
Dunstable Hunters Pickleball Club - Member

Influencing bodies of which I am a Member

Conservative Party

Date of most recent entry to register


Date most recently published
