Register of interests Town and Parish Council - Jane Elizabeth Spiers

Member Name

Jane Elizabeth Spiers

Town/Parish Council

Chalgrave Parish Council

My employment

Not employed now i am Retired. Previously a Matron / Nurse working at University hospitals of Leicester.

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee employment

My Partner is Richard Mackey owns his own company at Complete Fire Protection in Watford

My sponsorship

i do not receive any payments other than my NHS pension

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee sponsorship

He receives a salary from his company Complete fire protection

My contracts

I am Retired so have no contracts

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee contracts

his company Complete Fire protection maintains the fire equipment at Chalgrave Memorial Hall

My land

Owner :- Upper Tithe Farmhouse, Hockcliffe Road, Tebworth, Leighton Buzzard , Bedfordshire. LU7 9QA

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee land

Owner :- Upper Tithe Farmhouse, Hockcliffe Road, Tebworth, Leighton Buzzard , Bedfordshire. LU7 9QA

My licenses

None other than the land our home sits on

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee licenses

None other than the land our home sits on

My tenancies


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee tenancies


My securities


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee securities


Gifts and hospitality


Bodies on which I represent the Council

co option onto Chalgrave Parish Council

Public authorities or bodies that I'm appointed to


Charitable bodies of which I am a Member

I am a member of the Chalgrave Memorial Hall committee. I also sit on the Chalgrave Church fundraising committee and a member of the Chalgrave news team.

Influencing bodies of which I am a Member


Date of most recent entry to register


Date most recently published
