Your councillors - Walsh, Mary - Toddington


Councillor Mary Walsh

Councillor Mary Elizabeth Walsh
Political party / group

The Central Bedfordshire Community Network



Other councillors representing this ward

Councillor Gary Purser

Committees: click links for info on each committee

Councillor Walsh sits on the following committees:

Register of interests
Community grants

Each Central Bedfordshire Councillor has access to £2,000 from which they can allocate grants to local projects that demonstrate a community benefit. Councillors can also work together across their ward to combine their grants, if that’s what is most needed. Find out more about the Ward Councillor grant scheme.

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2024/2025

Organisation: Mid Bedfordshire Community Fridge CIC
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards items for the community fridge
Amount: £581

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2023/2024

Organisation: Fancott Miniature Railway  
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards materials to build a new shelter
Amount: £493.50

Organisation: Harlington Neighbourhood Help 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards items for a Christmas gift bag for vulnerable residents
Amount: £200

Organisation: Flittabus
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards a new bus
Amount: £200

Organisation: Toddington Parish Council 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards community planting scheme - Toddington in Bloom 
Amount: £1,000

Organisation: Toddington Parish Council 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards plants for the highstreet planters 
Amount: £106.50

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2022/2023 Cost of Living Extension

Organisation: Harlington Neighbourhood Help 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards running costs and advertising for volunteers 
Amount: £200

Organisation: The Samaritans 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards running costs 
Amount: £800

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2022/2023

Organisation: Keech Hospice
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards hydrotherapy pool equipment
Amount: £2,000

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2021/2022

Organisation: Rural Revolution 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards litter picking equipment 
Amount: £1,000

Organisation: Harlington Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards memorial bench 
Amount: £500

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2020/2021

Organisation: Sundon Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards a community defibrillator for Sundon 
Amount: £999.50 (£396.90 used from 2019/2020 allocation)

Organisation: Toddington Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards restoration of village sign 
Amount: £400

Organisation: Chalton Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards litter and dog waste bin for Chalton playground 
Amount: £250

Organisation: Fancott Miniature Railway
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards ticket office equipment 
Amount: £200

Councillor Walsh's grant allocation 2019/2020

Organisation: Toddington Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards purchasing a defibrillator
Amount: £500

Organisation: Harlington Neighbourhood Help
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards COVID-19 community support
Amount: £200

Organisation: Streatley Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards replacing damaged wetpour in the park
Amount: £277.60

Organisation: Reclaim Life 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards reclaim life centre 
Amount: £250

Organisation: Sundon Parish Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards horse gate to protect the countryside
Amount: £475.50

Councillor Walsh's COVID-19 allocation

Organisation: Singing Café
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards providing musical therapy to those who are isolated
Amount: £250

Organisation: South Beds Dial-a-Ride
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards improved PPE inside minibuses
Amount: £100

Organisation: Harlington Neighbourhood Help
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards Christmas treat goody bags for older and isolated residents
Amount: £400


14 Lincoln Way

Town or village

Harlington, Bedfordshire



Telephone number

0300 300 8514

Email address