Your councillors - Hegley, Carole - Dunstable Central


Councillor Carole Hegley

Councillor Carole Hegley
Political party / group



Dunstable Central

Surgery details

10am to midday, The Quadrant, Dunstable:

  • Saturday, 3 February 2024
  • Saturday, 2 March 2024
  • Saturday, 6 April 2024
  • Saturday, 4 May 2024
  • Saturday, 1 June 2024
  • Saturday, 6 July 2024
Committees: click links for info on each committee
Register of interests
Community grants

Each Central Bedfordshire Councillor has access to £2,000 from which they can allocate grants to local projects that demonstrate a community benefit. Councillors can also work together across their ward to combine their grants, if that’s what is most needed. Find out more about the Ward Councillor grant scheme.

Councillor Hegley’s grant allocation 2023/24

Organisation: Dunstable in Bloom 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards hanging baskets, compost and plants for In Bloom 
Amount: £500

Organisation: Beds RCC
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards gardening items and equipment 
Amount: £500

Organisation: Friends of Priory House and Gardens  
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards a new pergola and knee rail 
Amount: £700

Councillor Hegley’s grant allocation 2022/23 Cost of Living Extension 

Organisation: Home-Start Central Bedfordshire
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards Own My Life programme books
Amount: £495

Councillor Hegley’s grant allocation 2022/23 

Organisation: Dunstable Town Council 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards a defibrillator 
Amount: £300

Organisation: Dunstable Town Council 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards outdoor gym equipment
Amount: £700

Organisation: Dunstable Town Council 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards climate resillient planting scheme
Amount: £1000

Councillor Hegley’s grant allocation 2021/2022

Organisation: The Methodist Church, Dunstable 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards The Methodist Church garden project stage 1
Amount: £500

Organisation: The Methodist Church, Dunstable 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards The Methodist Church garden project stage 2
Amount: £106.78

Organisation: Incredible Edible Community Garden
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards items and equipment for garden
Amount: £393.22

Organisation: Dunstable in Bloom
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards new planters and items 
Amount: £526

Organisation: Incredible Edible Community Garden
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards items and equipment for garden
Amount: £474

Councillor Hegley’s grant allocation 2020/2021

Organisation: Dunstable Town Council
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards Dunstable town centre enhancements 
Amount: £2,500 (£1,500 used from 2019/2020 allowance)

Organisation: Dunstable in Bloom
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards floor planters and hanging baskets 
Amount: £1,000

Councillor Hegley's grant allocation 2019/2020

Organisation: ArtSpa
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards the initiative to purchase art equipment.
Amount: £500

Councillor Hegley’s COVID-19 allocation

Organisation: Home-Start Central Bedfordshire
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards support of vulnerable families
Amount: £358

Organisation: Minds2gether
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards the reopening of Minds2gether
Amount: £130

Organisation: Dunstable Food Bank
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards Dunstable Food Bank administrative support
Amount: £250

Organisation: South Beds Dial-a-Ride
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards improved PPE inside minibuses
Amount: £200

Organisation: Ringcraft Boxing
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards PPE equipment
Amount: £62


Wentworth House, 83 High Street North

Town or village




Telephone number

0300 300 8529

Email address