Your councillors - Holland-Lindsay, Emma - Leighton Linslade South


Councillor Emma Holland-Lindsay

Emma Hollland-Lindsay
Political party / group

Liberal Democrat


Leighton Linslade South

Other councillors representing this ward

Councillor Chris Leaman and Councillor Shaun Roberts

Surgery details

Surgeries are held at Leighton Buzzard Library on Saturdays:

  • The first Saturday in each month, 10am to midday
Committees: click links for info on each committee

Councillor Holland-Lindsay sits on the following committees:

Register of interests
Community grants

Councillor Holland-Lindsay's grant allocation 2024/2025

Organisation: Greenleas Lower School
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards equipment for the allotment 
Amount: £400

Organisation: Hospice at Home Volunteers, Leighton Buzzard
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards a walker and case
Amount: £500

Organisation: Church Riverside Scout Group 
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards the metal structure for the rebuild of the scout hut after floods 
Amount: £1,100

Councillor Holland-Lindsay's grant allocation 2023/2024

Organisation: Leighton Buzzard Town Cricket and Tennis Club
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards a new heating system 
Amount: £1,000

Organisation: 1st Bedfordshire Inclusive Girlguiding Unit
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards new items and art supplies for the unit  
Amount: £350

Organisation: Leighton Linslade Citizen's Advice
Purpose of grant: Contribution towards office equipment and refurbishment
Amount: £650


24 Albany Road

Town or village

Leighton Buzzard



Telephone number

0300 300 8507

Email address