Getting involved

Give us feedback

Your feedback is important to help us improve care and support services.

You can give feedback (link opens in new window) on your experience of care and support services through the Care Opinion website. This is an independent site and they will pass your stories on to the right people to make a difference.

Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire (link opens in new window) are part of a network of local Healthwatch organisations that help to ensure that the views and feedback from service users and carers are an integral part of delivery of local services.

We are committed to engaging individuals, interest groups and stakeholders in the future development of activities that relate to social care and health. This includes when planning developments and services for the future, looking at the demographics and needs of older people and those with disabilities within the community and how their needs will be addressed.

Download our statement of community involvement (PDF 114.6KB) .

Community engagement

We are committed to engaging individuals, interest groups and stakeholders in the the future development of activities that relate to social care and health. This includes when planning developments and services for the future, looking at the demographic and needs of older people and those with disabilities within the community and how their needs will be addressed.

Download our Statement of Community Involvement (PDF 114.6KB) to find out how we engage with the community and how everyone can be involved from the earliest stages.