Home composting

Tips for composting

Here are our top tips for composting at home:

  • if you have more grass clippings than other material to put in, add a layer of rolled up newspaper balls which will help add carbon into the mix
  • during a warm summer, the heap can dry out; causing decomposition to slow down, so add water (from a water butt or waste kitchen water) to keep it moist
  • to aid decomposition, chop up stems from shrubs and perennials into 6 inches or smaller pieces, before putting them in
  • if possible, turn the compost every 2 or 3 months
  • when the compost is ready, it will be a crumbly texture (if there are still larger pieces of stems left, these should be picked or sieved out)
  • homemade compost is fantastic for adding as a mulch to your garden beds and borders as it:
    • helps retain moisture in the soil
    • improves the structure of sandy or clay soil
    • adds natural goodness
    • encourages worms, micro-organisms and beneficial bacteria (which are vital for a balanced ecosystem) to keep your garden healthy
  • home composting is a great educational tool for children as it demonstrates the cycle of nature