Definitive map

Public path orders

A land owner or member of the public can apply to the council for a public path order to create, extinguish or divert a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway. Any application to alter an existing public right of way must meet the strict tests within the Highways Act 1980. This type of application should be used where the applicant considers that the right of way is correctly shown on the definitive map.

Alternatively, a member of the public, developer or quarry company may wish to divert or extinguish a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway if it is going to be affected by development (PDF 2.3MB) or mineral extraction. Any application to alter an existing public right of way for development or extraction must meet the tests within the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Our Public Path Order application pack (PDF) explains the procedures to be followed, and the amount the applicant will be required to pay for the costs of our administration, advertising any orders made, any required works and any compensation payable.

Guidance notes on costs and widths (PDF)

Modification orders

If an error recording a public right of way is discovered, we will make a make a definitive map modification order to correct the definitive map and statement.

There is no charge for a definitive map modification order application.

All applications are recorded in our Register of Modification Applications, and so your details will be in the public domain.