Carers' Strategy
Our Adult Carers Strategy for 2022 to 2027 (PDF) sets out our vision, aims, and priorities to support adults caring for family, friends, or neighbours living or caring in Central Bedfordshire.
The strategy has been co-produced with carers living or caring in Central Bedfordshire. Carers helped us generate ideas, share their views, and write the strategy. It also uses feedback from the Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE), conducted every two years across England.
Carers in Bedfordshire also surveyed carers registered with them, and this was used to develop the strategy.
Our priorities for 2022 to 2027 are as follows.
Priority 1: Identifying, recognising, and involving carers
We will work with partners across health and social care to identify carers and provide them with information, advice, guidance, and support. We will involve carers in designing, commissioning, and evaluating carers' services.
Priority 2: A life alongside caring
We will support carers in taking breaks from their caring roles, allowing them to continue working and engaging in activities outside their caring responsibilities.
Priority 3: Supporting and improving the health and wellbeing of carers
We will ensure that health and wellbeing services are available for carers living or caring in Central Bedfordshire.
Priority 4: Supporting carers to learn more about their caring role and what is important to them
We will help carers access the information and training they need to continue their caring roles safely and effectively.
Priority 5: A life after caring
We will support carers in adjusting to life after their caring role ends, offering practical and emotional support.
Carers Programme Board
A Carers Programme Board is in place to ensure the priorities are met. This board includes:
- Central Bedfordshire Council
- The Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
- Carers in Bedfordshire
- Mobilise
- Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire
We will ensure the board hears the voices of carers through the various groups and contacts the above organisations have.