Support for carers

Emergency planning for carers

You may be worried about what will happen to the person you care for if you are involved in an accident or crisis.

The Central Bedfordshire Carer’s Emergency Card is a good way to document what you would like to happen in case of an emergency.

The small card can easily be stored in your purse or wallet. If an emergency arises, the card will let people know that you are a carer, and they will know who to contact to ensure the person you care for is safe.

You may also want to save a relevant telephone number from your emergency plan in your mobile phone under “ICE” (In Case of Emergency). The emergency services will look for this telephone number when attending incidents.

If you would like a Carers Emergency Card, please contact the Carers' Helpline by calling 0300 300 8036.

It is important that other people know about your emergency plan. This could include asking your GP to include it in your GP record.