Extra help and appeals

Discretionary Housing Payments

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) are payments to help with your housing costs. You can only get a DHP if you also get:

  • Housing Benefit from Central Bedfordshire Council
  • the housing costs element of Universal Credit, and you live in Central Bedfordshire

DHPs are not benefits and if you are awarded a DHP it will be paid in addition to your benefits.

You have to apply for a DHP separately from your benefits application, and we decide on applications individually with reference to our DHP policy. We only have a limited budget for payments so we cannot pay DHPs to everyone who applies.

Apply for a DHP

Apply for a DHP online

If you’re unable to apply online, please email benefits@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or call 0300 300 8306 to get a form through the post.

Applicants who will be given priority for DHP

You will be given priority for a DHP if you or a member of your household is disabled, you have more bedrooms than the Housing Benefit / Universal Credit rules allow, and either:

  • your home has been adapted for your disablement needs
  • you cannot share a bedroom with your partner because of your disability
  • an issue related to your disability makes it difficult for you to move to a smaller or cheaper property

You will also be given priority if:

  • you are a foster carer (or your partner is), you have more bedrooms than the Housing Benefit / Universal Credit rules allow, and you need a bedroom for each foster child
  • you are fleeing domestic violence

We will also consider whether you and your household fall into any of the examples of who we want to help. When you are completing your application, please refer to these examples and our DHP policy, and make sure you give as much information as possible to help us make our decision.

Eligible housing costs

We can only award DHPs to help with your housing costs. Some of the housing costs that can be covered by DHPs are:

  • rent shortfalls not covered by Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, for example due to the Benefit Cap, Local Housing Allowance rates, or spare room restrictions in the social rented sector (the “Bedroom Tax”)
  • rent deposits, moving costs, or rent in advance to help you move home, for example to cheaper or more suitable accommodation

We cannot use DHPs to provide help with Council Tax. This is available through the local Council Tax Support scheme and discretionary reduction for hardship.

We also cannot pay you a DHP for:

  • service charges which are not eligible for Housing Benefit
  • when your Housing Benefit is suspended
  • when your Housing Benefit is reduced because of overpayments or sanctions

DHP decisions, payments and appeals

DHP decisions are made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with our DHP policy. We will write to you when we have made our decision on your DHP application.

If your application is successful, we will decide the most appropriate person to pay, based on the circumstances of your application. If we award a regular DHP to help with your rent, your payments will be made in line with how your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit is paid.

If you are not happy with our decision, you can contact us to disagree with it in writing or electronically. DHPs are not payments of benefit and are therefore not subject to the statutory appeals process.

Contact us

Telephone: 0300 300 8306
Email: benefits@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Please quote your benefit claim reference in all correspondence if you have one – your claim reference is either an 8 digit number starting with 900 or a 5 digit number. You can find it in any letter we’ve sent about your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support.