Suggest a topic - committees

How to suggest a topic for our committees to consider

Let us know your suggestion

If you have a suggestion for one of our committees, please let us know:

Suggest a topic for our committees >>

We'll then consider your suggestion and the most appropriate way of taking it forward.

About our committees' work programmes

Most of our committees have work programmes; these identify the items the committee plans to consider throughout the year and the dates that it plans to consider them on.

These work programmes are developed to reflect the aims and objectives of each committee and add value to our work. Topics reflect our priorities and those of our partners; recognising the concerns of local communities and identifying where the committee can make a difference. 

Ideas and suggestions for items for the work programmes are always welcome and may come from individuals and organisations, including any of the following:

  • councillors
  • town or parish councils
  • residents
  • partners
  • our staff

The work programmes are flexible, so we can add issues as they arise and we always encourage individuals and organisations to submit ideas throughout the year.

During the year, we also aim to provide an update on the items that have been proposed and how we have considered them.

Download the list of suggestions we've previously considered (PDF 218.3KB) to see how these have informed our meetings.

How to contact us

Feel free to email us if you'd like to know more about our committees' work:


Making a complaint

How to complain or give feedback about our services.
Please note: our committees don't deal with complaints.