Council Tax discounts and exemptions

Disabled person's Council Tax discount

You may qualify for a band reduction if someone substantially and permanently disabled is living in your property and the property has at least one of:

  • a room which is used mainly to meet the needs of the disabled person
  • an extra bathroom or kitchen
  • extra floor space because the disabled person needs to use a wheelchair indoors

The extra room does not need to be specially built, but it must be essential or of major importance to the wellbeing of the disabled person.

Apply for a reduction

Email or call 0300 300 8306 to tell us you want to apply. We will arrange to visit you in your home to complete your application.

If you qualify, we will reduce your Council Tax to the one below the one you are currently on. For example if your home is in band D, we will charge you the bill for a band C property.

If your home is in the lowest band (Band A) we will reduce your bill by one sixth.

You can find out more about valuation bands on our Council Tax banding page